We are following along on the news of the Avian Flu (H5N1) and are monitoring it closely to determine best steps for our #granddograwpack community.
The first step we have taken is reached out to the manufacturers of the raw and dehydrated raw products in our store to gather their statements on further action they are taking to ensure safety of their products.
As we learn more about the situation and receive information from our suppliers, we will keep you posted here and in our newsletter.
What is Avian Flu?
"Avian influenza is a contagious viral infection that mainly affects birds but can sometimes infect humans and other mammals. There are many types of avian influenza, which are all caused by various strains of type A influenza virus (e.g., H5N1, H7N3, H9N2). Avian influenza A(H5N1) illness is caused by the avian influenza A(H5N1) virus."
Infections in humans are rare and usually occur when the person has been in contact with an infected animal or contaminated environments such as a poultry farm. It is spread through contact with animal feces or secretions (saliva).
It is recommended that pets be kept away from dead animals and any unknown feces.
Statement from Smack Raw Dehydrated Pet Food
"With respect to the Avian Flu news, all of our chicken comes from federally-inspected (CFIA) facilities. Avian influenza infected chicken is not allowed in these processing facilities and they are strictly monitored and tested for this. This prevents any infected product from reaching us.
Further to this, our dehydration process uses a two-step pathogen killing process with an adequate lethality phase to kill pathogens. The lethality phase is a time-temperature protocol established by the USDA to ensure that pathogens are destroyed during the drying process. This has been a key step in our meticulous food safety process that has helped us feed pets around the world for over 17 years without a single recall or incident. In addition, our dehydrated products also have extremely low moisture content, making it very difficult for pathogens to survive.
The primary, and important, production difference between Smack and the food that had the case of Avian, is that Smack is dehydrated and not a traditional/frozen raw food (like Northwest Naturals).
We are continually monitoring the situation and ensuring the highest levels of safety. Please let me know if you have any other questions at all. We are always happy to help."
Raw Pet Food Items: Current Protocols
Both raw food suppliers on our website, Dog's Choice (DC) and The Complete K9 (CK9) source their products from human grade Canadian facilities.
The Complete K9 products (CK9) are made by Family Meats, a trusted and established Alberta meat production facility. All ingredients are either sourced right from the Family Meats human production line, or brought in from Canada wide federally licensed and inspected facilities. The product undergoes the same testing & screening that human grade meat receives.
As a HACCP-certified facility, they perform regular testing and inspections on all of their products and equipment. In order for them to comply, they need to track their products. The HAACP certification places a priority on food safety, quality, traceability, and accountability.
Steps You Can Take
We feel confident in the products available to you, but understand that some might appreciate an extra safe guard.
Cooking to 165 degrees fahrenheit is known to kill the virus.
While we typically advise against cooking the raw pet food due to the bone content, it is possible to do it with a double broiler so it isn't on direct, high heat and taking care to remove larger pieces of bone.
With some of our blends, the bone fragments are quite small, so the risk of cooked bones is minimized. Some of the CK9 items use bone meal, which means the pieces are much small, again minimizing the bone risk.
CK9 Beef Blend does not contain bone and can be cooked without any concern about bone fragments.
If you currently feed your dogs raw eggs, consider offering them to your pups as cooked for the time being.
Your Family is Our Top Priority
Amanda Monsma (she/her)
(877) 494-0682
Disclaimer: All information presented on this website is for informational and/or educational purposes only and based on our experience and those shared by our clients. These statements have not been evaluated by a veterinarian. This website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and is not intended to be a substitute or replacement for any medical treatment. Please seek the advice of a holistic veterinarian for your dog’s specific health concerns.